Mince Pie 10 Results 9th Dec 2012
Well done to Andy Bishop, Gary & Sally Hayes & Gordon Reid for running the Seaford Mince Pie 10 on Sunday. Andy made it a family affair with his son & daughter-in-law running as well. A mixed terrain course with a vicious hill to boot. Results were:
Andy Bishop 1:23:41
Gary Hayes 1:36:38
Gordon Reid 1:45:08
Sally Hayes 1:48:08
Andy Bishop 1:23:41
Gary Hayes 1:36:38
Gordon Reid 1:45:08
Sally Hayes 1:48:08
Xmas Pudding Dash Results 15th Dec 2012
A great turnout for the annual Xmas Pudding Dash at Ashburnham on Saturday. By all accounts a muddy jaunt but as always great fun! Well done to all. Results were:
Jack Butcher (awarded 1st junior) 0:30:14
Ken Beattie (3rd in AG) 0:32:40
Andy Bishop 0:35:40
Dave Palmer 0:36:29
Joanna Moon 0:45:17
Lorna Cheesewright 0:47:02
Valerie Vogel 0:50:04
Dave Oxbrow 0:50:04
Jenny Rhodes 0:51:02
Bill Pender (2nd in AG) 0:52:46
Jack Butcher (awarded 1st junior) 0:30:14
Ken Beattie (3rd in AG) 0:32:40
Andy Bishop 0:35:40
Dave Palmer 0:36:29
Joanna Moon 0:45:17
Lorna Cheesewright 0:47:02
Valerie Vogel 0:50:04
Dave Oxbrow 0:50:04
Jenny Rhodes 0:51:02
Bill Pender (2nd in AG) 0:52:46
Christmas Lunch - Cooden Beach 16th Dec 2012
A lovely time was had by all at the Christmas lunch. The Cooden Beach Hotel supplied a delicious roast as always. The Alex Hall memorial cup was presented by Alex's wife Lorraine to Dave Oxbrow for services to the club as voted for by you the members. A fitting winner I think you'll agree. Alex's daughter Victoria thanked the club for raising money for the fund from the 5km in June. Dave's thank you is posted below:
"I must say a huge thanks to all at BRT, whoever you voted for. I was somewhat overwhelmed and so proud to be the first to receive the “Alex Hall Memorial Cup”. I failed completely at the lunch to fully express my thanks especially to Lorraine, Victoria and Alexander. We will all remember Alex for his warm and friendly outlook, encouraging us all, never judging always positive. He was our friend as well as a much valued club member. He will be missed, but not forgotten by all who knew or met him. He inspired us in our efforts, and despite his stature was a giant of a man, someone to look up to and strive to emulate. I received this award on everyone’s behalf, thanks again, now let’s make 2013 even better. "
With heartfelt thanks Dave.
The 2 names picked out of the hat for the London Marathon were Tim Cox & Jez Wood, who duly choked on his beer! The afternoon would not have been complete without Father Christmas making an appearance & presenting the children with chocolate presents.
Photos are now in the Gallery.
"I must say a huge thanks to all at BRT, whoever you voted for. I was somewhat overwhelmed and so proud to be the first to receive the “Alex Hall Memorial Cup”. I failed completely at the lunch to fully express my thanks especially to Lorraine, Victoria and Alexander. We will all remember Alex for his warm and friendly outlook, encouraging us all, never judging always positive. He was our friend as well as a much valued club member. He will be missed, but not forgotten by all who knew or met him. He inspired us in our efforts, and despite his stature was a giant of a man, someone to look up to and strive to emulate. I received this award on everyone’s behalf, thanks again, now let’s make 2013 even better. "
With heartfelt thanks Dave.
The 2 names picked out of the hat for the London Marathon were Tim Cox & Jez Wood, who duly choked on his beer! The afternoon would not have been complete without Father Christmas making an appearance & presenting the children with chocolate presents.
Photos are now in the Gallery.
Tadworth 10 6th Jan 2013
Andy Bishop kicked off the results for 2013 with a pb of 1:22:09 over the 10 mile course at Tadworth yesterday. A great start to the new year.
Other news & reminder
Several members are taking part in their 1st ever Ultra race this coming weekend. The Country to Capital is a 45 mile course on country trails & towpaths. Rest up this week people & good luck! We hope to have a feature on Ultra racing on the website soon. If you fancy 'going long' then checkout www.24ultrarun.co.uk an event on our doorstep in September.
A reminder that annual club fees are now due. Please download a membership form (under 'contact us' tab) to complete & send with your money. This greatly helps Chris to have an accurate record of your details.
A reminder that annual club fees are now due. Please download a membership form (under 'contact us' tab) to complete & send with your money. This greatly helps Chris to have an accurate record of your details.